

刘献斌  教授,硕士生导师;








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1. 微孔材料(沸石分子筛)方面的研究工作,主要包括:微孔材料的合成,以及在催化、环境治理方面的应用

2. 介孔及大孔材料方面的研究工作,主要包括:介孔及大孔材料的合成,以及在催化、环境治理与大分子的分离方面的应用。

3. 可控形貌纳米颗粒方面的研究工作,主要包括:可控形貌纳米颗粒的合成,以及在催化、生物材料方面的应用


1、具有门禁,孔道修饰和形貌可控的介孔氧化硅纳米颗粒应用于siRNA靶向转染与控制释放的研究(2/6),20万,(No. 30900336)2010.01-2012.12,国家自然科学基金资助。

2、主动脑靶向配体修饰PEG-PAMAM纳米递药系统的构建和调控及对脑缺血损伤的机制(2/6),86万, (No. 214760542015.01-2018.12


1单分散微米级球状介孔氧化硅MCM-41合成方法及应用 ZL200910073248.X 201105  


2一种室温下合成MCM48介孔分子筛的方法ZL 201510430754.5 201510第一发明人

3一种中孔碳/硅复合材料及其制备方法  ZL 200510076843.0 200705第一发明人

4单分散介孔氧化硅纳米颗粒及其合成方法ZL 201310585391.3 201502第一发明人

5 Method of forming a particulate porous metal oxide or metalloid oxide. US 2010/0254890 A1 201010第二发明人.


1. Liu Xianbin*, Xie Xinxin, Yan Hong, Sun Xiaojun, Sun Yan. Research on Large Molecules Organic Pollutants Adsorbed by Mesoporous Carbon Materials and hybrid Mesoporous Carbon/Silica Materials. New carbon materials. 2013, 28(4):241-253.

2. Shiyang Tang, Xiaojun Sun, Li Lin, Yan Sun, Xianbin Liu *. Monodisperse mesoporous silica nanoparticles: synthesis and application in biomaterials. 2011, Progress in Chemistry, 23(9), 1973-1984.

3.  Xianbin LIU*, Xiaojun SUN, Yan SUN. Valuing the Foundation and Advocating the Innovation in the Course Teaching Process of “Industrial Catalysis”. Proceedings of 2011 The Conference on Information Technology and Education Teaching (ITET2011). 2011, 1985-1990.

4.  Zhen Guo, Yu Du, Xianbin Liu, Siu-Choon Ng, Yuan Chen, Yanhui Yang. Enantioselectively controlled release of chiral drug (metoprolol) using chiral mesoporous silica materials. Nanotechnology 2010, 21, 165103.

5.  Xianbin Liu, Laisheng Li, Yu Du, Zhen Guo, Teng Teng Ong, Yuan Chen, Siu Choon Ng, Yanhui Yang. “Synthesis of large pore-diameter SBA-15 mesostructured spherical silica and its application in ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography”. Journal of Chromatography A, 2009,1216: 7767–7773.

6.  Xianbin Liu, Yu Du, Zhen Guo, Saranya Gunasekaran, Chi-Bun Ching, Yuan Chen, Susanna Su Jan Leong, Yanhui YangMonodispersed MCM-41 large particles by modified pseudomorphic transformation: diamine functionalization and application in protein bioseparation. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2009122114120.

7.  Hui Sun, Qinghu Tang, Yu Du, Xianbin Liu, Yuan Chen, Yanhui Yang. Mesostructured SBA-16 with excellent hydrothermal, thermal and mechanical stabilities: Modified synthesis and its catalytic application. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2009, 333:317–323.

8.  Xianbin Liu, Hui Sun, Yuan Chen, Yanhui Yang and Armando Borgna. “Preparation of spherical large-particle MCM-41 with broad particle-size distribution by a modified pseudomorphic transformation”. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2009,121:  73–78

9.  Xianbin Liu, Hui Sun, Yanhui Yang. “Rapid synthesis of highly ordered Si-MCM-41”. Journal of colloid and Interface Science. 2008, 319:377-380.

10.Xianbin Liu, Hui Sun, Yuan Chen, Raymond Lau, Yanhui Yang. “Preparation of large particle MCM-41 and investigation on its fluidization behavior and application in single walled carbon nanotube production in a fluidized-bed reactor”. Chemical Enginerring Journal. 2008,142(3):331-336.

11.Fuxiang Chang, Yingxu Wei, Xianbin Liu, Yinfeng Zhao, Lei Xu, Dazhi Zhang, Yanli He, Zhongmin Liu*. “A mechanistic investigation of the coupled reaction of n-hexane and methanol over HZSM-5 ”. Applied Catalysis A :General. 2007,328 :163-173.

12.Xianbin Liu, Fuxiang Chang, Lei Xu, Yue Yang, Yanli He, Zhongmin Liu*. “Synthesis and Characterization of New, Nanoporous Carbon Material with Bimodal Pore System.” Carbon, 2006, 44(1): 184-187.

13.Xianbin Liu, Zhongmin Liu*, Fuxiang Chang, Lihong Qu, Yue Yang, Shiyun Sang, Yangyang Zhang. “An investigation on the preparation of an analogous carbon nanotube with MCM-41 silica containing surfactant as template”. New carbon materials . 2006, 21(3):237-242..

14.Fuxiang Chang, Yingxu Wei, Xianbin Liu, Yue Qi, Dazhi Zhang, Yanli He, Zhongmin Liu*. “An Improved Catalytic Cracking of n-hexane via Methanol Coupling Reaction over HZSM-5 Zeolite Catalysts”. Catalysis Letters. 2006, 106(3-4): 171-176.

15.Ziyu Liu, Yingxu Wei, Yue Qi, Xianbin Liu, Yinfeng Zhao and Zhongmin Liu*. Synthesis of ordered mesoporous Zr–P–Al materials with high thermal stability. Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 2006,91:225-232.

16.Xianbin Liu, Fuxiang Chang, Lei Xu, Yue Yang, Peng Tian, Lihong Qu, Zhongmin Liu*.

Preparation of ordered carbon/silica hybrid mesoporous materials with specific pore size expansion.” Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 2005, 79(1-3): 269-273.

17.Xianbin Liu, Zhongmin liu*, Fuxiang Chang, Lihong Qu, Yue Yang, Yanli He. Effect of adding counterion on the synthesis of mesoporous silica. Chin.J.Petrochem.Tech. 2005, 34 (10): 450-452 .

18.Xianbin Liu, Zhongmin liu*, Fuxiang Chang, Lihong Qu, Yue Yang, Yanli He. Effect of adding ethanol on the synthesis of mesoporous silica. Chin.J.Petrochem.Tech. 2005, 34 (10): 447-449 .

19.Fuxiang Chang, Xianbin Liu, Yingxu Wei, Yue Qi, Dazhi Zhang, Yanli He, Zhongmin Liu*. Study on coupling transformation of C6 and methanol over different structure zeolite catalysts. Chin.J.Petrochem.Tech. 2005, 34(10): 108-111.

20.Xiao-Dong Duan, De-Zhi Sun, Zhi-Bin Zhu, Zheng-Zhe Yu, Xian-Bin Liu, Peng-Fei Shi.“photocatalytic oxidation of gasoline by using Fe-doped TiO2 film as photocatalyst.” Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology . 2002, 24(5): 725-729.


1、Xianbin Liu. Synthesis and Characterization of the Mesoporous Carbon/Silica Hybrid Materials and Carbons with Ordered and Uniform Pore Structure. ISBN-13: 978-3-639-81841-3. Golden Light Academic Publishing. 2015.