

王志远  讲师,硕士生导师;









1.      智能表面工程与摩擦学。

2.      先进装备表面涂层技术。


1. 中国博士后科学基金创新项目, 2023.11-2025.1124, 主持。

2. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目, 2023.11-2025.11, 8, 主持。

3. 黑龙江省博士后基金面上项目,2023.11-2025.11, 10, 主持。

4. 省属高校科研启动项目,2023.10-2026.10, 20, 主持。

5. 2023年度龙江优博项目,2023.10-2026.10, 5, 主持。


1. Wang Z, Huang Y, Guo W, et al. Effects of pulsed magnetic field on the flight and impact of supersonic plasma spraying particles and the properties of coatings. [J]. Materials & Design.2022.111127

2.  Wang Z, Huang Y, Guo W, et al. Effect of a pulsed magnetic field on the tribological properties of amorphous/nanocrystalline composite coatings by supersonic plasma spraying. [J]. Applied Surface Science.2022.154853.

3. Wang Z , Huang Y, Wang H, et al. The relationship between inclusions characteristic parameters and bending fatigue performance of 20Cr2Ni4A gear steel. [J]. International Journal of Fatigue.2022,155:106594.

4. Wang Z , Huang Y, Wang H, et al. Effect of Fe content on the tribological properties of Ni60 coatings applied by pulsed magnetic field assisted supersonic plasma spraying. [J]. Materials Characterization.2022.185:111771.

5. Wang Z , Huang Y, Wang H, et al. Research on the mechanical and tribological properties of coating reinforced by a pulsed magnetic field during the remelting process.[J]. Vacuum. 2022, 206: 111511.

6. Wang Z , Huang Y, Wang H, et al. Bending fatigue behaviour and fatigue endurance limit prediction of 20Cr2Ni4A gear steel after the ultrasonic surface rolling process. [J]. Materials 2021,05(15)2541

7. Xing Z, Wang Z, Wang H, et al. Bending Fatigue Behaviors Analysis and Fatigue Life Prediction of 20Cr2Ni4 Gear Steel with Different Stress Concentrations near Non-metallic Inclusions [J]. Materials 2021,05(15)2541

8. Wang Z , Huang Y, Wang H, et al. Development of pulsed magnetic field assisted supersonic plasma spraying [J]. Review of Scientific Instruments.2022, 93(12): 123901.

9. Wang Z , Huang Y, Wang H, et al. Research on forming mechanism and tribological properties of Ni base coating by transverse static magnetic field-assisted supersonic plasma spraying [J]. Green Manufacturing Open 2022;1:2.

10. Wang Z , Huang Y, Guo W, et al. Effect of high intensity pulsed magnetic field (30 T) on microstructure and tribological properties of Ni-based coatings[J]. Materials Letters, 2023, 347: 134639.

11. 王志远..液滴在固体织构化表面上的润湿行为研究现状[J]. 机械工程学报, 2022,58(1):21. (EI收录)

12. 王志远..非金属夹杂物特性对钢铁材料疲劳性能影响的研究进展[J]. 材料工程, 2020, v.48;No.444(05):5-16. (EI收录)